MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/ »Internet of Things » connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium. For example, it has been used in sensors communicating to a broker via satellite link, over occasional dial-up connections with healthcare providers, and in a range of home automation and small device scenarios. It is also ideal for mobile applications because of its small size, low power usage, minimized data packets, and efficient distribution of information to one or many receivers.
MQTT represents an efficient solution to extend any IoT networks to the cloud, raison why Ineo-Sense selects it for his owns needs to deploy private Networks infrastructures.
To go further about MQTT, we strongly recommend to have a look on HiveMQ website on which several well-done tutorials are available.
As MQTT experts, since 2012 dc-square (the company behind HiveMQ) works with MQTT every single day. They offer a broad range of free resources to help you starting your journey with MQTT and HiveMQ solution. Ranging from them extensive documentations to benchmark guides and whitepapers, this company provides everything you need to know about MQTT to get the most value out of your projects.